Coming Back...

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Posts: 37
Joined: Wed 01 Jan, 2014 4:06 am

Coming Back...

Post by jdphx »

Hello Paul,

I am coming back to the game after a lengthy time away...

When I loaded the game, I got a very large update. Then as I tried to
use my license, I had a problem... that finally resolved itself.

(I have 3 unused, and 1 current licenses)

Anyways... I've noticed this, while playing around with the auto scheduler.
MANY fighters are in the wrong weight class!! And some by a LOT. Guys like
Kelly Pavlik, and Roberto Mayorga listed as HW.

Has anyone else mentioned the same? Anyways... good to be back,,

Posts: 298
Joined: Sun 26 May, 2013 2:01 pm

Re: Coming Back...

Post by Cap »

Unfortunately, pressure to produce something resulted in TB2013 being rushed out after limited testing. The next incarnation is taking longer so we're hoping the result will be a major upgrade over anything we've seen before. It is still in the alpha stage and testing continues.
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