need help reinstall TBCB2013

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need help reinstall TBCB2013

Post by bbroham »

had computer problem had to replace mother board,video card and reinstall windows 7 professional 64 bit i recovered some files lost icon from desktop for TBCB and can t find the file to reload tbcb but have alot of tbcb files still recovered how and what do i need to do to reinstall TBCB2013..THANKS BBROHAM
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Paul Norman
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Re: need help reinstall TBCB2013

Post by Paul Norman »

Ah, in theory you should be able to click on tbcb.exe and the game should work fine. However if this does not work I suggest starting again..

1) Backup any saved games and customised data in "My Documents/tbcb2013"
2) Delete all remaining data in "My Documents/tbcb2013"
3) Delete "Program Files/tbcb2013" (Might be "Program Files (x86)/tbcb2013" on 64bit PC)
4) Log into your webstore account and download the installer again. ... me?1,,,8:5
5) Re-install the game from installer you just downloaded.

If you have any trouble please let me know what went wrong.
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