Hard to read

Do you have an idea or improvement for TB? Or you can see what others are sugesting.

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Hard to read

Post by rspen446 »

Am I the only one that thinks that the list of Fighter names in 2013 is a lot harder to see and read than the list in 2.5
For example when you click on any divsion and all the fighters show up, it just seems that in 2013 the names blend into the dark background it's just much harder to read for me, it needs a cleaner looking easier to read interface when your looking at all the fighters names.
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Paul Norman
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Re: Hard to read

Post by Paul Norman »

Is it the colouring, the size or something else? I have increased the size of the font to make life easier. See this screenshot from TB3, is it any better?
Screenshot from 2016-09-29 10-30-31.png
Screenshot from 2016-09-29 10-30-31.png (472.59 KiB) Viewed 33732 times
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Re: Hard to read

Post by Cap »

Might make life simpler for all if it were easy to change fonts and colours. Just a suggestion. Or you could look at OOTP (which I don't have) and see what formats they use. For me I dislike the setup just to the right of "Tables" in the above example. Why not use basic colours for those of us afflicted with colour blindness? I would just have white on black or black on white and throw in cherry red and royal blue for the fighters' corners. Many colours tend to blur into each other for me like the tabs in the above example...
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