Football Manager Handheld 2010
developed by Sports Interactive Ltd
What is "Football Manager Handheld 2009"?
Football Manager Handheld 2010 is the fifth version of the hugely popular Football Manager game especially written for the Sony PSP hardware.
It was designed around the capabilities of the device including the very intuitive control system.
The game focus is aimed at lighter, less indepth gameplay, yet this does not make this game any less addictive or fun to play.
It also includes multiple skin support using the P.I.S.D. skinning system.
How was P.I.S.D. involved?
Football Manager Handheld 2010 was built on the P.I.S.D. Development Libraries.
This enabled members of the team to develop the game without needing "hands on" access to the PSP hardware tools.
Its flexible design made it easy to create the cursor driven navigation system.
I Want to Know More...
To read more about Football Manager Handheld including up to date release information go to Sports Interactive Ltd website.