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Out of The Park Baseball 11

Out of The Park Baseball 11
developed by Out Of The Park Developments

What is "Out of the Park Baseball 11"?

Out of the Park Baseball 11 is the next release of this popular baseball management simulation. It is the sequel to Out of the Park Baseball 10 and continues to be produced by Out Of The Park Developments. Some of new features are:

  • 2010 Major League rosters
  • New historical replay mode, replay all seasons from 1871 to 2009
  • Recoded first-year player draft, including:
    • Signing bonuses
    • Slotting system
    • Bonus negotiations
    • Compensation picks for unsigned players
    • Two-way players
    • College/HS stats
  • Several new screens, for example:
    • Improved League Standings
    • New Manager Home Screen
    • Compare 2 players side-by-side
    • New Team Stats Screen
    • Manager Notes & Reminders
  • Control over base runners during games
  • Recoded fielding engine, introducing new stats like Zone Rating
  • Advanced stats, for example wOBA, OPS+, FIP, ERA+
  • Single-game records book
  • Team owners with individual personalities
  • Improved immersion factor featuring dynamic evolving storylines
  • Improved interface, including mass-select of players
  • Create and export baseball cards
  • Three different skins

How was P.I.S.D. involved?

Out of the Park Baseball continues to use the P.I.S.D. Development Libraries to create its highly polished graphical user interface. The flexible and easy to use interface provided by the P.I.S.D. Development Libraries has been well received by the development team. It has provided a solid application framework that has handled all demands and expectations made of it. Out of the Park Baseball is distributed using the P.I.S.D. Installer on Linux and Mac.

Where can I get it?

You can read more about Out of The Park Baseball and download the latest version from here. If you wish to buy the Linux version of this game you can find it in the Out Of The Park Developments Webstore.